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Ageing and what treatments is there


Ageing takes its toll in a number of ways, including expression lines, loss of fat volume, loss of bone structure, gravity, and the big one – sun damage! Experts say, “Seventy-five per cent of what you see in the mirror at 50 or 60 is due to sun damage.”

There’s no one treatment that deals with all skin issues and works for everyone, and a cosmetic physician may suggest you have more than one treatment.

Some things you need to know before proceeding

    There’s no such thing as a “non-surgical facelift”. There’s skin smoothing and tightening, volume replacement and wrinkle reduction, but no non-surgical treatment is going to give you the same lifting results as surgery. You may look “fresher”, but don’t expect gravity-defying miracles!
    The results won’t last as long as a surgical facelift, and the costs of repeating the procedure several times over 10 years (which is how long a facelift “lasts”) may end up exceeding those of surgery.
    These procedures are designed for people in their 30s to 50s with reasonably good skin, who are prepared to protect it from the sun.
    Some procedures involve a lot of pain and some will still leave you temporarily looking like you’ve been burned/beaten/stung by a bee, so you may need a recovery period hiding out at home. The greater the (initial) damage, the better the long-term effect.
    All procedures carry risks of temporary or even permanent damage, and could leave you wishing you had your old skin back.

So, if you’re still happy to go ahead, what treatments are there to offer?

Injection treatments
Dermal fillers

The injection of filler materials under the skin can fill in deep folds, such as ”smile lines” or “laugh lines”, create fuller lips and pad out hollow cheeks and eyes. Rather than just smoothing or tightening skin, they can change the facial profile to a more youthful one.

Although collagen used to be the standard filler, hyaluronic acid is now more popular. Hyaluronic acid lasts somewhere between six months to a year – although treating areas of the face that move less will last longer than those that move more, such as the lips – and you tend to get better results with each treatment. There’s evidence that hyaluronic acid injections can also have a more permanent anti-ageing effect by stimulating collagen growth.

Muscle relaxers

Botulinum toxin temporarily “paralyses” muscles when injected. This prevents the skin above from creasing up and causing wrinkles. It only works on so-called “expression lines”, such as frown (vertical) lines and surprise (horizontal) lines on the forehead, smoothing them and preventing them from becoming more pronounced. It won’t do anything for sun-damaged skin or lines caused by skin sagging.  The effects take a few days to kick in, and initially last a few months – longer after continued treatment.

Skin treatments
Chemical peel

Acid is applied to the skin and exfoliates the top layer, causing dead skin cells to peel off. At stronger concentrations, new, tighter skin forms as collagen production is stimulated in response to the wounding.  It can help reduce fine lines, small scars, discolouration and sun-damaged skin. The stronger the peel, the more dramatic and longer-lasting the results – stronger peels (concentrations of more than 30%) are better left to medical professionals rather than beauticians.

The acid stings, and for a strong peel a sedative may be helpful. After-care for a strong peel may include bandaging, and it could take weeks to heal. Milder acids may result in some redness and peeling in the first week, and there may be some crusting or scabbing.  A stronger peel’s benefits can last for two years, although it depends on the strength of acid used (which determines how deep the peel is). These days a course of several milder peels, rather than one strong peel, is common. Milder peels may require top-up peels every few months.

Dermal rolling

Percutaneous collagen induction therapy, popularly known as dermarolling or microneedling, involves rolling a cylinder covered in tiny needles over your skin. The damage caused by the needles stimulates collagen production, and has been successfully used for treating scars, especially acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles. It may sometimes be combined with radio frequency energy to create a greater effect.  As a rule, the longer the needle, the greater the damage (and bleeding and pain…) and the greater the effect.

You can also have it done by a beautician, but make sure they’re experienced and have good hygiene practices – unclean rollers can spread infection. Dermatologists and cosmetic physicians offer microneedling with or without radiofrequency.


Not to be confused with dermabrasion (which is rarely used these days), microdermabrasion can be done at a salon or spa, and uses fine crystals to sand the face and remove dead skin cells.  It may help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improve skin texture, but don’t expect a major anti-ageing effect. There will probably be some redness and swelling for a few hours.

Do your research!

There are plenty of online reviews of these anti-ageing procedures. But take the reviews with a pinch of salt because results can be subjective, and some side effects or negative results may in fact be due to patient idiosyncrasies or level of expectation rather than the procedure itself, or may have been due to operator error or older technology.

Keep in mind also that some procedures take some time to have optimum effect; for example, the collagen-generating technologies that peak at about six months or so – reviews or pictures taken before then might not do the procedure justice. You can easily find before and after photos of the different treatments if you search online. With some it’s difficult to tell any difference, while with others the results are nothing short of miraculous – and may perhaps have had a little help from photo-editing software. Lighting, hair, makeup, clothing and facial expression can make a big difference too. Advertisers may choose to show some of the better outcomes, rather than typical outcomes.

Anti Ageing | PCA Skin Essentials

27 Apr, 2024
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25 Jan, 2024
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is crucial to the moisture and elasticity of our skin. Unfortunately, as we age, the concentration and molecular weight of HA substantially decreases. Hydration = Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the human body, particularly in connective tissues, skin, and eyes. It is a type of glycosaminoglycan, which is a key component of the extracellular matrix that supports and hydrates the skin. Here are some benefits of hyaluronic acid: Hydration: One of the main functions of hyaluronic acid is to retain water. It has an incredible ability to hold moisture, making it an excellent hydrating agent. This helps keep the skin plump, supple, and well-hydrated. Skin Health: Hyaluronic acid plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the skin. It contributes to the repair and regeneration of skin cells, aiding in the healing process. It is also involved in collagen synthesis, promoting skin elasticity. Anti-Aging Properties: As we age, the natural production of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases. This can lead to a loss of moisture and elasticity, contributing to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Topical application or injections of hyaluronic acid can help reduce the visible signs of ageing by adding moisture and volume to the skin. Joint Health: Hyaluronic acid is present in joint fluid, where it acts as a lubricant and shock absorber. Some people use hyaluronic acid supplements to support joint health, especially in conditions like osteoarthritis. Wound Healing: Hyaluronic acid has been shown to promote faster wound healing. It can help regulate inflammation, support tissue repair, and minimise scarring. Sunburn Relief: When applied topically, hyaluronic acid can provide relief for sunburned skin. Its hydrating properties help soothe the skin and reduce redness. Scar Reduction: Hyaluronic acid may aid in reducing the appearance of scars by promoting tissue regeneration and hydration. Dermal Fillers: In cosmetic dermatology, hyaluronic acid is commonly used as a dermal filler to add volume to areas of the face, such as lips, cheeks, and nasolabial folds, helping to smooth wrinkles and enhance facial contours. The benefits with dermal fillers = TIGHTER SKIN TONE SMOOTHER TEXTURE LESS VISIBLE FINE LINES AND WRINKLES STIMULATES SKIN CELL REGENERATION PIGMENTATION CLARITY INCREASED RESILIENCE LIPID BARRIER ENHANCEMENT
25 Jan, 2024
Drinking plenty of water is often touted as a beneficial practice for maintaining healthy skin. While individual hydration needs can vary, staying adequately hydrated can contribute to several positive effects on the skin : Hydration from Within: Water is essential for overall bodily function, including skin health. When you drink enough water, it helps to hydrate your skin from the inside out. Dehydrated skin can appear dry, flaky, and more prone to wrinkles. Moisture Retention: Proper hydration helps your skin retain moisture. This is crucial for preventing dryness, which can lead to irritation and an increased likelihood of developing fine lines and wrinkles. Improves Skin Elasticity: Well-hydrated skin tends to be more elastic and supple. This elasticity can contribute to a more youthful appearance and may help prevent the formation of premature wrinkles. Flushes Toxins: Water is a natural detoxifier. Drinking enough water helps your body flush out toxins through urine, which can have a positive impact on the clarity and complexion of your skin. Supports Nutrient Transport: Water is essential for transporting nutrients throughout your body, including to your skin cells. This helps maintain the health and vitality of your skin. Reduces Puffiness and Blemishes: Proper hydration can help reduce puffiness and bloating in the skin, giving your face a more refreshed and youthful appearance. It may also contribute to a clearer complexion by aiding in the elimination of waste and reducing the likelihood of blemishes. Temperature Regulation: Water plays a role in regulating body temperature. When your body is well-hydrated, it can better regulate temperature through sweating, which can prevent overheating and potential skin issues associated with excessive heat. It's important to note that while staying hydrated is beneficial, it's not a magical solution for all skin issues. Other factors such as a balanced diet, proper skincare routine, sun protection , and lifestyle choices also play crucial roles in maintaining healthy skin. If you have specific skin concerns, please contact me for skincare advice and treatment options or visit my store with amazing products. Click here to visit store
by Rebecca Combellack 03 Jan, 2024
After the party season, your skin may need some extra care to recover from late nights, indulgent food, and possibly the effects of makeup and alcohol. Here are some tips to freshen up your skin: Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to rehydrate your skin and flush out toxins. Water helps to improve your skin's elasticity and overall appearance. Cleanse thoroughly: Remove all makeup and cleanse your face thoroughly to get rid of any accumulated impurities. Consider using a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type. Exfoliate: Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and promotes cell turnover, revealing fresh skin. Use a mild exfoliant to avoid irritation. Moisturise: Replenish your skin's moisture with a hydrating moisturiser. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or aloe vera to soothe and hydrate. Apply a face mask: Treat your skin to a rejuvenating face mask. Choose one that addresses your specific skin concerns, such as hydration, brightening, or detoxification. Eye care: If late nights have left you with tired and puffy eyes, use a soothing eye cream or gel containing ingredients like cucumber or chamomile. Get enough sleep: Ensure you catch up on sleep to allow your body and skin to recover. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Healthy diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants. These nutrients can help repair and rejuvenate your skin from the inside out. Use a vitamin C serum: Vitamin C is known for its brightening and antioxidant properties. Consider incorporating a vitamin C serum into your skincare routine to promote a radiant complexion. Sun protection: Even in winter, protect your skin from UV rays by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, especially if you'll be spending time outdoors. Facial massage: Gently massage your face to stimulate blood circulation and promote lymphatic drainage. This can help reduce puffiness and give your skin a healthy glow. Limit alcohol and caffeine: Both alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate your skin. Try to limit your intake and opt for water or herbal teas to stay hydrated. Remember that consistency is key when it comes to skincare. Establish a routine that works for your skin type and concerns, and stick to it for long-term benefits. If you need any skincare products please check out my shop, click here
05 Nov, 2023
Wintery weather can make getting to that perfect moisture level especially challenging – and not just in cold, dry climates. Skin is generally drier in the winter because most of us are indoors more with central heating on. As we head into the cold season, here are some things you can do to keep dryness down: • Change to a super gentle cleanser, if you haven’t already. • Use a humidifier to keep central heating from drying out your skin. • Add an extra layer of moisturizer, or two. • Look for moisturizers with a higher oil content, which will help to hold water in your skin and keep it better hydrated. • Facial oils may work well for very dry skin, but avoid them if you have acne. And if you do decide to try them, be aware: you usually won’t see the effect of a facial oil on your acne for 4-8 weeks after you start using it, so watch carefully for changes. • Exfoliate less frequently – it reduces the barrier layer of skin, and losing this layer allows more evaporation from your skin. • Rinse the salt off your skin after you work out and apply moisturizer. • Put an extra layer of moisturizer on your face midday at work. It’s quite amazing how much this helps! • Don' forget about your lips, apply a balm during the day and at night don't be scared to put more on to protect them from chapped lips! Nighttime is when your skin heals and regenerates!
by Simply Aesthetics 05 Nov, 2023
Whether you embrace winter weather for its brisk air and rain or snow, or you hate it for its freezing temperatures and icy roads, there’s one thing we all share during the colder months of the year: We’re all prone to developing dry, itchy skin . Fortunately, there are some really simple steps you can take to prevent the dryness and keep your skin soft, smooth, and healthy. If you’re dreading dry skin this winter, here are seven things you can do to improve your skin’s health and texture. 1. Stay hydrated Skin needs plenty of moisture from the inside. But it’s not enough to just drink — what you drink matters, too. Holiday-flavored coffees and cocoas are festive, but they also contain caffeine, a diuretic that can actually rob your skin (and the rest of your body) of moisture. 2. Use a humidifier Since indoor heat takes moisture out of the air, it makes sense to do all you can to put some moisture back in. Consider using a humidifier in your home — especially in your bedroom, home office, and living room, where you tend to spend the most time. 3. Lower the thermostat Indoor heating is drying, and the more heat you have, the drier your air can be. Lowering your thermostat by just a few degrees can help the air retain more moisture so your skin is less dry and itchy. 4. Limit shower time (yes, baths too) There’s nothing like a hot shower or bath after a day in the cold. The problem is, hot water dissolves oils — including the oils that help protect your skin and keep it soft, smooth, and healthy. Spend too much time in hot water, and your skin will be stripped of those important natural emollients. Try to keep your showers short and skip baths until spring — and look for cuddly warmth in the comfort of an electric blanket or fleece pajamas, instead. 5. Don’t skip the sunscreen It might look gray and feel cold, but the sun’s UV rays are still out there. UV rays can penetrate cloud cover, so even though the sun is low in the sky during winter, those UV rays still penetrate your skin. Wear sunscreen anytime you go outdoors, and apply it frequently if you’re involved in an activity like walking, running or even sledding (If we're lucky!). 6. Slather on the moisturiser Regular applications of moisturiser can go a long way toward protecting your skin from winter damage, but you need to apply it often — and you need to choose the right type. Winter is a good time for thicker formulations, especially if you’re applying them before bed. If your skin is acne prone, use heavier creams for your body and a lighter cream for your face. You can also apply an essential oil before your moisturiser for added benefits. 7. Skin care products Many skin care and personal care products contain harsh chemicals, preservatives, fragrances, and alcohol, all of which can irritate or dry your skin. This winter, replace those products with gentler options to avoid irritating skin that’s already dry and itchy. Who says winter has to be bad for your skin? With just a little extra TLC, your skin can weather the winter and emerge smooth, soft, and party ready.
by Rebecca Combellack 03 Oct, 2023
Creating a winter skincare routine is essential to keep your skin healthy and moisturised during the colder months when the air is dry and harsh. Here's a comprehensive winter skincare routine plan that you can follow: Morning Routine: 1. Cleansing: Use a gentle, hydrating cleanser to cleanse your face. Avoid harsh, drying cleansers that can strip your skin of its natural oils. 2. Toning: Apply a alcohol-free toner to balance the pH of your skin and prepare it for the next steps. 3. Serum: Apply a serum containing hyaluronic acid or glycerin to boost hydration. These ingredients help retain moisture in your skin. 4. Moisturising: Use a rich, emollient moisturiser with ingredients like shea butter, ceramides, or oils (like argan or jojoba) to lock in moisture. 5. Sunscreen: Even in winter, it's crucial to apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. Sunscreen protects your skin from harmful UV rays. Evening Routine: 1. Makeup Removal / Double Cleansing: If you wear makeup, start with a makeup remover or cleansing oil to dissolve makeup and follow up with a gentle cleanser to clean your skin thoroughly. 2. Exfoliation (1-2 times a week): Use a mild exfoliator to remove dead skin cells. Avoid harsh scrubs, as they can damage your skin. Chemical exfoliants with ingredients like glycolic or lactic acid are excellent choices. 3. Toning: Use the same toner as your morning routine to balance your skin's pH. 4. Serum: Apply a serum containing antioxidants, retinol, or peptides to promote skin repair and regeneration overnight. 5. Eye Cream: Use an eye cream with ingredients like vitamin C or hyaluronic acid to address under-eye puffiness and dark circles. 6. Moisturising: Apply a slightly heavier moisturiser or hydrating night cream to provide intense moisture and repair your skin while you sleep. 7. Lip Care: Use a nourishing lip balm with ingredients like shea butter or coconut oil to keep your lips soft and prevent chapping. Weekly Treatments: 1. Masks (1-2 times a week): Use hydrating masks with ingredients like honey, aloe vera, or hyaluronic acid to give your skin an extra boost of moisture. 2. Deep Conditioning (1-2 times a week): Apply a thick layer of a rich moisturiser or a hydrating overnight mask before bed for deep hydration. 3. Hand and Body Care: Don't forget to moisturise your hands and body with a rich body lotion or cream, especially after showering, to prevent dryness and cracking. 4. Humidifier: Consider using a humidifier in your bedroom, which adds moisture to the air and prevents your skin from drying out. Remember, everyone's skin is different, so it's essential to pay attention to how your skin reacts to various products. Adjust your routine accordingly, and if you have specific skin concerns, consult me for further advice or visit my shop here .
by Rebecca Combellack 03 Oct, 2023
Skincare doesn't have to be scary at any time of the year, including autumn! In fact, autumn can be a wonderful season for your skin with the right care. Read our latest blog for some tips to keep your skin healthy and glowing during the autumn months: Moisturise: As the weather gets cooler, the air becomes drier, which can lead to skin dehydration. Switch to a thicker, creamier moisturiser to provide your skin with the extra hydration it needs. Look for products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which help to retain moisture. Sun Protection: Even though summer is over, UV rays can still harm your skin. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. Sunscreen protects your skin from premature ageing and reduces the risk of skin cancer. Exfoliate: Autumn is a great time to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. Choose a gentle exfoliator that won’t irritate your skin and use it once or twice a week. Exfoliating helps your skin absorb moisturisers more effectively. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Hydration is key to healthy skin. Herbal teas and infused water can also be a tasty way to stay hydrated and provide your skin with antioxidants. Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that promote healthy skin. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and nuts, can also help maintain skin health. Humidify Indoor Air: Indoor heating can make the air inside your home very dry. Consider using a humidifier to add moisture back into the air. This will prevent your skin from drying out, especially while you sleep. Protect Your Hands: Your hands are often exposed to the harsh autumn elements. Wear gloves when you go outside to protect your hands from the cold wind. Apply hand cream regularly to keep your hands soft and supple. Mindful Skincare: Understand your skin type and choose products that suit your specific needs. If you have sensitive skin, look for products labeled as hypoallergenic and free from fragrances and dyes. Remember, everyone’s skin is different, so it might take some experimentation to find the products and routines that work best for you. Don’t be afraid, with the right care, you can enjoy healthy and radiant skin throughout the autumn season!
01 May, 2023
Importance of having SPF in your skincare routine SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, is an essential component of any skincare routine. It is a measure of how well a product can protect your skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. There are two types of UV rays that can cause damage to your skin: UVA and UVB. UVB rays are responsible for sunburn and are the primary cause of skin cancer. UVA rays, on the other hand, penetrate deeper into the skin and are responsible for premature ageing and other forms of skin damage. By using a sunscreen with a high SPF, you can protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. This can help prevent sunburn, reduce the risk of skin cancer, and slow down the ageing process. In addition to using a sunscreen with SPF, it is also important to reapply it regularly, especially if you are sweating or swimming. It is also a good idea to wear protective clothing, such as hats and long-sleeved shirts, and to seek shade during peak sun hours. Overall, incorporating SPF into your daily skincare routine is essential for maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin and reducing the risk of sun damage and skin cancer. I have a selection of SPF skincare products available in my shop for you to look at, click here
01 May, 2023
Skincare is important for several reasons: Protects the skin from damage: Our skin is exposed to various environmental factors such as sun exposure, pollution, and harsh weather conditions that can cause damage. Skincare helps in protecting the skin from these external factors. Prevents premature ageing: With age, our skin starts to lose elasticity and firmness, leading to wrinkles and fine lines. A good skincare routine helps in slowing down the ageing process and maintaining youthful-looking skin. Keeps the skin hydrated: Proper skincare helps in keeping the skin hydrated, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Dehydrated skin can lead to dryness, flakiness, and even breakouts. Prevents acne and breakouts: Skincare helps in keeping the skin clean and free from bacteria, dirt, and oil that can clog pores and lead to acne and breakouts. Improves skin texture: Skincare products such as exfoliants, moisturisers, and serums help in improving skin texture by removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover. Overall, a good skincare routine is essential for maintaining healthy, radiant, and youthful-looking skin. It not only improves the appearance of the skin but also helps in protecting it from damage and keeping it healthy. For skincare products please visit my store here
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