Whether its having to isolate for two weeks or being in a higher tier here are some tips to keeps us all going and our bodies and skin healthy.
Tip 1
Keep to a routine–everyone is in unfamiliar territory with the current pandemic, so keeping some normality and routine is vital. Try to get up and go to bed at your normal time. Getting enough sleep, eating regularly and keeping hydrated will help optimise your health to fight the bugs off. Children can be particularly sensitive to upheaval, so try and make their day structured with set ground rules/boundaries, and stick to them.
Tip 2
Regular Exercise & fresh air–exercise is often the first thing to go out of the window when our daily routine is disrupted. Exercise not only keeps us physically well, but is also a great way to de-stress and protect our mental health. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, if you are stuck indoors there are lots of HIIT (high intensity interval training) sessions you can do quickly, or do something simple like walking up and down the stairs a few times. Anything is better than nothing. If you can get outside even better, 30 minutes of a brisk walk/run/bike is plenty (maintaining your social distancing!).
If you are lucky enough to have your own garden or outside space make the most of it. If you don’t, or if you struggle to get out, then open the window and let some fresh air in. A bit of sunshine is also great for keeping your Vitamin D levels topped up.
Tip 3
Healthy eating–like exercise, when our routine is disrupted or we get stressed, eating habits can go to pot. Try and eat regular meals. Avoid too much snacking, or if you do, try to choose healthy snacks like nuts or fruit. Use it as an opportunity to get adventurous with cooking, and learn some new culinary skills. If you have kids at home, baking or cooking is a fun activity to do together and educational for them too.
Tip 4
Limit social media & news feeds – it’s great to stay informed ,but getting obsessive and tuning in all the time can be detrimental. If you are finding your anxiety ramping up, try to stay away and limit access to once a day.
Tip 5
Help neighbours – elderly, unwell, or immobile neighbours are at greater risk during this period. If you have time why not give them a call to check on how they are doing, and if you are doing an essential shopping run ask them if they need anything.
Tip 6
Stay connected, make the most of technology – we are fortunate to live in an age where there is a huge number of ways to keep connected. Just because you are in isolation doesn’t mean you can’t keep in contact via telephone or video call. Many methods offer group chats/calls so you can get the extended family all together, or your kids can keep in contact with their friends. Facetime, Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom are a good starting point.
Tip 7
Support local businesses – restaurants, bars that are offering takeaway services and shops are going to take a big hit in the coming weeks, and without support may struggle to keep afloat. Treat yourself now and again and support your local community by ordering a takeaway or online shop. We will miss them when they are gone if we don’t!
Tip 8
Relax, give yourself a break – particularly relevant if you are trying to juggle working from home with or without kids who need home schooling/supervising. I would hope that most employers will be supportive and understand that productivity just isn’t going to be the same in the current situation. So cut yourself some slack and don’t put yourself under too much pressure – everyone needs a bit of me time and a break.
Remember this isn’t going to last forever, with the two vaccinations now approved its only a matter of time before we can start normal life again, the end of the tunnel is in sight and we will soon be enjoying parties, BBQs, oh and aesthetic treatments, again!!
Stay safe, be kind and supportive to each other and we will come out of this stronger.